by Greenvilles Own Donkey January 15, 2006
TEAM: a group of people that work together. may share intense moments. learn to love each other. lot's of drama. may consist of guys and girls. there is always an odd one out.
by llggl April 18, 2009
the most viscious, dangerous animals around. comprised of only the most bad ass individuals highly trained in alcohol consumption and karate. found in gulf breeze. considered extremely lethal and drunken at any given time.
by tannerrrr December 30, 2005
A Bunch of Hooligan Friends that drink like fish and love's partying 24/7. Mostly found at pubs in & arround Johannesburg SA
by TeamP eed off! July 5, 2006
by OUCIBS (Oxford University Cunts in Blazers Society) April 9, 2005
To draft the same player in multiple fantasy leagues, effectively ending his season and/or NFL career.
by Defcon 1 August 16, 2012