Strats are the stratagies Pro Gamers use to pwn noobs
My strats will pwn you
by Luke Carroll March 22, 2005
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Abbreviated term that is short for “Street Rat”. Used when someone or something is doing “street” activity. The term usually has a negative connotation, but could be used in a joking manor as well. Typically Strats are found worldwide, but most notably in the “DMV”, and they can be anything from a literal street rat to a skinhead wearing a bubble jacket.
*dude sagging wearing beanie and bubble jacket*
“Yo streets... or should I call you strat
“Wow that’s stratty”
by CY ROLLIE December 17, 2019
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To strat: Root word "Strategize" , the act of bringing close freinds together for the consumption, enjoyment, and act of consuming illicit drugs and or alcohol.
Jamal and Ted were pumped for tonight's strat, they had some 40's and a 1/8 to share with the bros.
by Macdaddy57 November 27, 2012
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The best guitar in the world!! (Strat is short for Stratocaster)Invented by leo fender and was the first electric guitar made(with the fender telecaster which i personally think are gay). All the greatest guitar players started on or became famous on this guitar. Ones made in the 60s are really expensive and valuable.
by nickdawg940 May 14, 2005
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the act of crying in an attempt to get ones own way or to achieve sympathetic approval from a superior
hes stratting again.
he got the job by stratting.
by alf May 14, 2003
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quite good guitar. known because alot of ppl say they make the perfect sound. i perswonally dont like them that much, give me an lp any day!
see tele.......... feck aff
by lewis July 21, 2004
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Short for Stratholme, the PreBC World of Warcraft instance, that has been abandoned because of its noob loot.
Nooblet: LFG STRAT!!!!!111!!one
1337Dude: haha noob, noone runs strat anymore!
by Firen November 22, 2007
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