Spanner wrench - a special wrench used in the fire service to assist in decoupling fire hoses.
Yo.. Rookie.. get the spanner off the engine.
by Craig October 21, 2003
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"You're such a spanner!"
by - August 4, 2002
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The geeky kid at school who stank of chip fat and grime, came from a poor family and had the social skills of a dead skunk, yet was completely convinced that everyone was his mate. Popularized by Ringo Starr in the film That'll Be The Day (1973).
by Doll Revolution July 11, 2003
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A particularly lengthy turd which stretches from one end of the bowl to the other.
I dropped a spanner in Julie's toilet at her party, but when I flushed it bent in half and plugged the bowl how embarassing!
by FIATC January 30, 2009
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Sally is a spanner, she really tightens my nuts.
by Chumpbug September 11, 2020
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A large shit whose length spans at least the circumference of the inside of the toilet bowl. Extreme relief usually accompanies release of a spanner, as does the occasional bloody anus, sudden weight loss and clogged toilet.

Mass consumption of sunflower seed shells can turn an ordinary spanner into a mace spanner. Resembling the spiky medieval weapon, mace spanners should be avoided at all costs.
"I just ate 4 bowls of granola. There's gonna be a spanner in the toilet tomorrow, I tell you."

Tom:"Dude, I just shat out a wingless 747."
Ron:"No, Tom, you shat a spanner. Good for you. Now unclog the toilet."

Ron:"I told you should have spit out all those sunflower seed shells, Tom."
Tom:"Fuck you, Ron. My intestines are being shredded as we speak. It's only a matter of time before this mace spanner turns my butthole into a bloody, fleshy origami fortune teller"
by Larsone April 18, 2010
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A Type of role player that God-modes beyond belief, and calls it "Being Literate". Anyone using the name Spanner is a god-moder, Illiterate, does not know the difference between a coma and a period, Copies everyone else's bloodline abilities, "Tears" open portals and pops out behind you (Of course to rape you), uses magical powers from space to destroy your base, will leave the leader of the good guy organization to die and won't care, and most of all, because he is a mother ef-ing piece of crap from Australia.

Can also be used to name someone that always has to be right, never wrong.
Dalco - ((Logs onto gaia)) "Oh god, I hope that Spanner didn't post... Oh god he did... ((Reading)) EF! SPANNER! MOTHER EF-ING SPANNER! I JUST THREW A PLANT AT YOU! HOW THE EF DIG YOU ABSORB IT AND BECOME THE UNIVERSE! EEEEEEEFFFFFFF SPANNNNERRRRR!!!!!"

Spanner - "I am SO smart. I am SO Literate. I am THE best role player EVER. I eat squash."
by Daylina Ketloybeau May 3, 2008
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