The exact opposite of a fuckboy, a softboy typically wears oversized sweaters, sweatpants, beanies and tends to have soft natural hair. A softboy is actually sweet, caring and an actual aesthetic. Softboy’s are the best boy. Or they can be, Similar to a fuckboy but without the cocky attitude. The softboy will butter up a girl by appealing to her emotions and showing a “sensitive” side long enough for her to sleep with him, whether or not he actually cares about her or not. Then, like the fuckboy, he can’t’/won’t commit. Differs from the fuckboy because he goes for the heart and emotions rather than just the body.
Kaylum, you look like a textbook softboy

Don’t go for him Jenny, he’s one of those softboy’s
by HarryTheThird March 2, 2019
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A growing subgenre of pornography using "doughy studs to help the average home viewer 'project'."
Teodor thought he was too fat to work in porn, but it turns out he would be a great SoftBoy.
by achewoodfan June 15, 2005
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a hipster fuccboi. the same kind of person as a fuccboi/player except he has a tumblr.

usually looks like a girl with a mans body but identifies as male. wears flannels. interested in art but not very good at it (also see girl version art hoe). likes coffee too much. wears beanies and drinks craft bear. probably bisexual. was Probably emo in 11th grade.
that softboy played his guitar for me and confessed his love to me and then abandoned me lol.
by Tingle Likes Rupees November 21, 2019
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When a man takes good care of his willy and moisturises everyday their hardboy turns into a softboy, A well loved boy.
Girl - Can I touch your hardboy lol???
Me - No, but you can touch my softboy!!!
by fdssdfdsfdsfsd January 9, 2019
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Term to describe male technology workers. Derived from their physical appearance: slightly overweight and pudgy, hiding their bodies in pale "comfort-fit" khakis and button-down shirts. Mostly used during the dotcom era.
See those softboys over there heading off to Starbucks for their afternoon lattes?
by MC December 6, 2003
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A boi that is soft and have a leafy friend on their head
by Somedayowo July 13, 2019
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