3 definitions by fdssdfdsfdsfsd

A shit stain on the face of the internet and quite possibly the dumbest fuck I've ever had the displeasure of knowing. A Patch the Alpha is ignorant to the most basic of social norms, he has been known to shittyly attempt to grab peoples' IPs and fail as well as ridicule and harass and dox people who couldn't care less about him (including actual children.) He is generally unaccepting to criticisms no matter how nicely you try to communicate your concerns and quite possibly his biggest offence yet is that he isn't fucking funny in the slightest, he could tell the most ass joke that'd make even his braindead viewers bleed from the ears whilst simultaneously thinking that he's the funniest person on earth. He also has an overinflated ego that his simple knucklehead fans feed into on a daily basis like its their fucking dog.
Patch the Alpha: *Insert really unfunny joke*😂😂😂💀
Me: *brain explodes*
by fdssdfdsfdsfsd October 17, 2020
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When a man takes good care of his willy and moisturises everyday their hardboy turns into a softboy, A well loved boy.
Girl - Can I touch your hardboy lol???
Me - No, but you can touch my softboy!!!
by fdssdfdsfdsfsd January 9, 2019
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