SKIT v - to skit, to look for objects of worth on the floor/bin

by Claret Badger October 15, 2003
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Under the influence of 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-chloroamphetamine.
Man, sleeping feels great. I've been so skittered I haven't been able to get any shuteye at all!
by Orion MacAfee December 28, 2010
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Also see Chav... person who only associates with people of their own kind and hangs around in groups at bus stops, harassing people for cigarettes or money. Fears anyone who looks and acts different and must therefore mock and ridicule in a very crude fashion. Has not the mental capacity to question life or existence so must resort to shouting, violence or buying bling from the exotic Elizabeth Duke collection at Argos. A person you want to be life long friends with, immediately...
(Skitter) - "Gi's a fag"

(Person) - "Sorry, I don't smoke."

(Skitter) - "Wot the f**k you doing you stupid c**t... f**kin w**ker. You f**kin look at me again and I'll beat your f**king face in... c**t..."

(Person) - "I think I'll walk instead"...
by SuzieWong September 7, 2008
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Man, check out the skitters on that model. Hells ya, I love a small rack like that, son.
by Sandiego Gammel March 17, 2006
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the brown marks that you get in the back of your tighty whities after you take a shit and dont wipe your ass right. if you continuously poke your ass you will definitely develope a skitter.
My girl had a mean ass skitter on her thong. it was amazing.
by valleysider July 24, 2010
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The person across the street burning the tire and the fridge 3 feet from the road, causing 7 foor flames and black smoke.
That stupid skitter is causing an enviromental disaster again.
by blindboy October 22, 2003
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An affliction pimps suffer from as a result of their poor diet based primarily on greasy street food eaten standing.
"Man, I don't know why I've got the pimp skitters today. All I had was two hot dogs, a slice of pizza, a bottle of wine, two cheeseburgers and a coke."
by Roast Beef July 3, 2006
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