Free running is a sport that is known for it aray of stunts, flips and tricks done when runner n jumping over or onto things. This is a dangerus sport and comes with many problems. The most likly is broken bones and sprins.
If i was to go Free-Running, i may jump on to a wall n could put in a 360 turn or a half flip. Just make things more complicated add a reverse.
by kirstilla July 23, 2006
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A sport where mad-men attempt death-defying stunts and Jackie-Chan esque acrobatic feats.
What, you really expect me to use Free Running in a sentence that isn't just saying the word randomly?
by Paradox Vincent November 5, 2004
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A shoe specially made by Nike. Used for running or training.
Guy: Nice shoes!
Me: Thanks they are Free Runs.
by Hub24 June 20, 2014
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also known as street jumping, or street running.
it is a 'sport' as some call it usually in illegal spots where a group, club or gang do tricks and flips off gaps walls ledges you name it.
gangmember1:"yo, man are we going to go free running at our spot?".
gangmember2:"nah man, i found this sick new spot with gaps, you in?".
ganmember1:"fo sure".
by boobranchmuz October 11, 2009
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Running whilst in one's birthday suit. If a man, the shlong and scrotum swing freely in an agreeable and satisfying way.
The old man enjoyed free running across the country.
by greyshark7 March 14, 2007
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When someone participates in a race, but they make no donation to the cause it's representing.
Person 1: Did you hear about the guy who was free running in that cancer research race?

Person 2: Yeah. It's terrible when people don't give back to a cause.
by MinxFan2016 August 1, 2018
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Free running in a stupid or otherwise retarded way. Usually means fucking up parkour
Man1: hey have you tried free running?
Man2: no I feel like it'd be like spongebob free run
by Gingagon June 23, 2014
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