Rexy is a combination of the words 'anorexic' and 'sexy', used to describe somebody who is thin but gorgeous. Usually refers to models.
I'd rather be rexy than a fat cow like you!
by benita jones July 25, 2007
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The most badass Tyrannosaurus Rex ever. Eats a lawyer, kills raptors, kicks the Indominus Rex's ass, eats an awful business man, and owns a Giganotosaurus. No other T. rex can really compare to how awesome she truly is. Give it up for the queen of the Jurassic fillms.
Rexy appeared to be down for the count against the Giganotosaurus, but outsmarted him in the end. Yay!
by Darkness Prime January 25, 2023
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Gout inducing, retched pairing of food, music, anything.
Bad matches that make no sense. If the combo makes you sick, it's rexis.
Peanut Butter and sardine sandwiches are rexis.
Pavarati signing rap is rexis.
by Lisa Scaradino April 12, 2006
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a big dick ass brother who loves big black gay men oily aswell
you: you're such a rexi bro
other: yeah i do love big oily black men 🤤
by asdhkjasdlajlksdasd June 18, 2023
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1. One who is anorexic or too thin

1. anorexic
2. too thin; so thin as to appear unattractive or unhealthy
"Hey, check that girl out. She's totally a rexy."
"I bet most models are rexies."
"She was hotter before she got all rexy."
"She's thin, but not rexy or anything."

Orignally a regional (Midwestern) saying.
by Robin J February 6, 2006
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