Someone who goes beyond the retard to a point of full retardation otherwise known as Archie McNicol
**Person says something retarded**
by McNicolisretard November 28, 2015
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Literally someone who is nowhere close to being retarded or ill and acts dumb on purpose
Billy :Yo bob "what's 1+1

Bob: uhhhh 4

Billy:you joking right

Bob:uhhh nooo cause you see if you add 1+1 you get 2 but if you add 2+1+1 you get 4
Billy:wtf your such a retardo
by Lycanace March 16, 2019
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Yo look, it's Retardo Eduardo.
That necklace lookin like Retardo Eduardo.
My dude, this Tony Chau kinda nice with dat Retardo Eduardo.
by YaBoiGaribaldi August 8, 2019
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1 Leonardo's lesser known cousin who mainly used crayon and fingerpaint as his medium.

2 someone with such a lack of drawing skills that you don't even want to play pictionary with them.
Who drew this stick figure, Retardo DaVinci?
by KennyRex January 27, 2011
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A person who is 'CHIA' like. This person will make the most outlandish excuses for his actions. ie: "the pen wrote it down wrong." or "I entered it right, the computer must of changed it."

A person who will make mistakes and will blame everyone else for his incompetence.

He also may flake.
Did you see 'El Retardo' put his windshield wipers on upside down.
by The Jerk 29 January 3, 2008
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One's inner stupid self that comes out when to much Cold Coors light is ingested. Usually a cape and some stupid behavior is also involved when the "Captain Retardo" comes out.

Boy, Richie was drinking that Cold Coors light so fast at the ranch this weekend you knew it was just a matter of time before Captain Retardo showed up.
by my buddies January 19, 2009
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