One of several Jamaican words for vagina. Pronounced puh-naah-nee

This word was popularized by Jamaican immigrants in North America and England.

The word itself reached widespread popularity in Jamaica during the 80s with such dancehall songs as Admiral Bailey's "Gimmie Punany" and Shabba Ranks' "Love Punany Bad".

Many Jamaicans accredit the Indians with creating this term, therefore it is worthwhile looking at a possible derivation from Hindi / Bhojpuri which most of the Indians that came as indentured servants to Jamaica spoke. The word "phunni" or "phunno" is a word in Hindi for a boy's penis. (the word puny is also used in Jamaica to mean vagina). An equivalent term in Hindi is "nuuni". Putting these two terms together gives phunninuuni or phunnonuuni. Punany would be a simplification of that pronunciation. It is possible that the Hindi speakers coming to Jamaica began to use this term not only for a boy's penis but also for the vagina or that jamaicans of African decent adopted the word as a word for vagina since it already referred to small genitalia.
"gimmie punany, want punany"

That girl has a fat punany
by Tonyspeed September 28, 2013
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My body part down below
Something my ex said he liked about me
How would our generation live without the punanie?
by anna-baby November 13, 2006
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A Jamaican Patois term for the vagina or vulva, used as slang in British/American English

Hawaiian slang for "vagina" or "vulva", derived from the Hawaiian word "puanani" meaning "beautiful flower"
1. yeah man i licked her punani til she came all over my face

2. yeah that punani is sweet as. Looks like a flower.
by Dreamcast October 28, 2009
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Punany - The female reproductive organ. Slag meaning pussy. Noramlly a very good pussy. used in other words such as Punany Fanny.
The punany was great, we went at it for hours.
by bob the fish December 10, 2004
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sweet & tastful pussy
the punany was good
by chrhig August 11, 2003
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of or pertaining to PUSSY.

i would eat your punani
by hey222 January 9, 2009
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