Drinking several alcoholic beverages or using illegal drugs before going to a larger function in preparation of getting wordtoasted/word.
Before going to the bar, I started pre-gaming around 7.
by chief. October 11, 2003
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Consuming alcohol in smaller amounts before a bigger drinking event with the intention of easing yourself into a night of crazy fun.
First guy: Yea we were pre-gaming with beer tonight.

(gazing at a guy passed out)

Second guy: Yea too bad he didn't pre-game at all, tonight was too much fun for him to handle.

First guy: Sucks to be him.
by McDADe August 28, 2010
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A way for retards with no life outside of drinking to circle-jerk over how fast they can murder their own livers. See, it works like this; first, you make a plan to go out and drink. Then, you drink BEFORE you go out to drink, so you have an excuse to act like a stupid fuck before you've even had a beer.
Hey, guys, have you heard of this pre-gaming thing? I do it all the time. I drink before I drink so I'm prepared to drink; THAT'S how much I drink!
by I'm Sorry You're Retarded March 30, 2008
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The act of using masturbation just prior to engaging in sexual intercourse in an effort to last longer during intercourse to achieve a more pleasurable sexual experience.
Honey I'll be right out, I'm just pre-gaming!

My girlfriend is so hot the only way we can both have a great time having sex is if I do some pre-gaming beforehand.

You had a dream about catching me PRE-GAMING!!!
by Dusty Cheeks July 1, 2011
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To drink or smoke before going to a party or event to get even more messed up at that party or event. usually ends up with getting piss drunk
Me:Yo lets pre-game before we go to the concert.
Other person: ok, but we're not goin to the concert, we're goin to gavin's and getting shit-faced
by Cory W. November 3, 2005
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when you go for a shit before an important event, eg an exam, in order to clear your nerves and make you more comfortable
Dave: hey mike how you feeling about this test?

Mike: I dunno, feeling kinda stressed, i didnt have time for a pre game
by robbastic December 9, 2009
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