Referring to cleanliness, usually in reference to a vehicle.
Grant will have that new truck piggered up in no time!
by BingBongBowler August 5, 2017
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A Puerto Rican Who thinks He's black or a half black half Puerto Rican.
Julio is such a pigger! He looks like a taco, but damn that sucka loves Fried Chicken!
by G shizzle May 10, 2006
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a black policeman. typically one who thinks that frequently using the word, "dog" while patrolling the ghetto makes him a public relations expert
"its the po po dude be cool,aw man he's black, i hate those piggers."
by stg60913b February 16, 2010
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A deogertory term used by and for ukrainians, equivalent to the N-Word, a similar word to Pigger is Hohol.
Russian bloke: "haha look at that filthy fucking pigger, oink oink"

Ukranian bloke: *crys*

Ukranian bloke 2: it's ok my pigger, i love you

*starts gay hohol sex*
by fuck shelly July 7, 2021
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Any black officer of the law (a conjunction of the word pig and nigger)
Billy Bob knew that he didn't have a chance of getting out of that speeding ticket when he saw the pigger get out of his cruiser.
by Truthsayer July 30, 2005
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a very retarded cop who happens to also be a nigger.
Some pigger gave me a ticket just cause I was driving through Harlem
by Dardardarduurrrr August 12, 2011
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A black cop.
Some think piggers are traitors black people.The police often have piggers to patrol black neighborhoods as propaganda to make blacks think police are nice and sweet when they really think most blacks are criminals.
That pigger is a traitor.
by Deep blue 2012 February 22, 2010
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