The peck is uncontainable. Nothing, and I mean nothing, can contain the peck.
Me: Hey Peck, how are you going to get through the brick wall?
The Peck: Don't worry, nothing can contain the peck!
by the peck February 25, 2019
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The act of using your nose instead of mouth/tongue to perform cunnilingus.
She liked my nose and asked me to start Pecking her.
by Tyrion Pyrion June 24, 2013
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A word used to insult Midgets and Dwarfs.
Outta the way Peck!
Look at that little Peck!
by Adam Clarke August 29, 2005
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Someone who annoys you. (Usually used to someone you don't like or don't want to be around you).
"Man you peck bare"
"Shut up you peck"
by rarehorse August 10, 2015
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The shortened form of the word pectoralis major. Guys who take good care of there body and keep a physically active life style tend to get these. They are located in the area where women have there tits. Namely the chest. Girls like a good looking guy with nice pecks. They are usually very muscular. They look nice too. Wish i had nice pecks.
My friend Nick always goes to P.E with out his shirt. The girls like looking at his pecks. The teachers do too.
by Kailua boy February 1, 2004
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The art of placing a traditional party hat in the shape of a cone on your head, so that it covers your mouth, and proceeding to strike your fellow party-goers with it.
Did you see Genesis the other night? They say only 3 people survived after that pecking incident.
by mastahp September 29, 2014
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A derogatory term used to describe one who belongs to a race of halflings formally known as "Nelwyns".
"Give me some water you measley little pecks!"

"Out of the way Peck!"

"There's a Peck here with an acorn pointed at me!"
by The knuckle dragger November 18, 2019
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