when you're not feeling good and have a stomach ache, and you scrunch up your face like "ooo" such that your ugly.
man....i'm feeling oogly today.
by juzdon August 17, 2006
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That feeling in your stomach when you can't decide if you're about to puke or shit your pants.
"Get outta the bathroom, that street meat got me ooglie as all fuckin' hell!"
by I Am The Axe October 3, 2011
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A game played with two people using their hands.
It's a game of endurance, where both person creates a sweeping motion on the other persons hand, while calling out oooooooooooogly, after of which the game changes, with both players flailing their fingers into each others.

There is a variation of the game, where finger nails, or "claws" (where the name comes from) are used to dig into each others fingers. This is called Clawgly, and is frowned apon in the Oogly community.
"Wanna game of oogly?"
"Sure thing!"
"HEY!, No clawgly!"
by Ryan D-C December 28, 2007
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Something said by a creature or person trying (but usually failing) to be scary. Often in cartoons. Equivalent to Ooga Booga.
I jumped out at them from behind a tree but all I said was "Oogly boogly", at which they fell about laughing.
by TotallyNotmyrealname May 22, 2013
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A scary thing that jumps out at you in a horror movie. This was a solecism apparently defined by John Garletts (1956-1992) about 1976.
The alien popping out of John Hurt's chest in "Alien" is one example of an oogly boogly.
by sabinelr August 29, 2008
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The illusions that are seen by a coke or crack head as a result of looking out the window incessantly. This behavior results from paranoia or the feeling that someone might be watching you. Many cocaine users fight this sensation by covering up all their windows with towels and blankets.
Everytime I go past Jimmy's house, I swear I see someone peaking out the side of the blanket that covers that window.

Yea, Jimmy must be watching for the window ooglies. Go pound on his door and scream POLICE!!!
by trotwoodian October 18, 2009
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That funny feeling you get inside when you first lay eyes on someone you're attracted to.
Girl, when I look at you, I get all oogly googly.
by cockyswan September 7, 2010
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