Angela - "I thought you meant catching the bus was on rare occasions Josh?"

Josh - "Seeing you Angela, is a rare occasion."
by JackPorter April 22, 2013
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(n) A zit that appears on the skin of a person before a special occasion such as family gatherings, professional photo ops, parties, extravaganzas, dates, and holidays.
Example: I have been so excited to finally go on a date with Russell. Not suprisingly the day before our date I got a special occasion zit.

Example: Tomorrow is our family reunion! I will get to see people I haven't seen in years! Some people are coming that I haven't even met. I hope I don't get a special occasion zit.
by All4Us January 4, 2009
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A Special Naked Occasion is an episode of Sex.
I had a Special Naked Occasion with my Special Naked Friend last night.

I just shared a Special Naked Occasion with Jo (means Jo and I just had sex)
by Bambi Gray August 5, 2005
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When you are in a relationship and you are obliged to have sex because it's a special occasion (i.e. anniversary, birthday etc.)
I'll be getting a special occasion bone from my wife since it's my birthday!
by Jokeboy83 April 24, 2021
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A man who predominantly prefers to have receptive anal sex (bottom) with other men, who occasionally enjoys being the insertive partner (top), typically on special occasions.
"Matt, I thought you only bottom"
"Nah mate, I'm a special occasion top, you know, like on birthdays and Christmas"
by Mattyy89 February 18, 2018
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do a girl doggystyle. take your thumb stick it in her butt and punch her in the back of the head. therefore clenching all holes for maximum satifaction.
hey baby why don't we celebrate. this is such a joyful occasion.
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The most impossibly counter comeback. It is a response to everything and nothing.
You neither agree, nor disagree.. it is such a beauty.
Joe: Go f*ck yourself
You: Occasionally

Ted: Lick my balls
You: Occasionally

Sue: God you're such a fag
You: Occasionally

Boss: You're fired!
You: Occasionally
by Haywood Jablome April 15, 2005
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