smegma. chafing sweat on the testicles. goo on the gonads.
Man! I've been wearing this wet bathing suit ALL DAY! I have a serious, serious case of nutmeg.
by King Dude II February 12, 2010
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Nutmeg is the alluringly cute female dog and object of Boss’s affection in the 2018 hit film Isle of Dogs. Nutmeg has the intelligence and sexiness that keeps loyal Boss’s mind happily distracted when he’s not dealing with the nonsense other dogs on the scrap island. Nutmeg inspires Boss’s natural strong silent personality to ultimately go beyond his comfort zone to save the dog population. Confident whilst also shy, Nutmeg is supported by Boss through thick and thin. Allegorically Nutmeg represents Jen to Boss’s Ian and mirrors their adventures in the Year of the Dog and links to the football move whereby magic of one drives the other to follow.
With one minor glance and a couple of careful words, Nutmeg loves to let Boss’s imagination run wild, knowing that he’ll want her more and more, and that she too can confidently be safe by his side.
by LaoMeng July 6, 2018
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An awesome drug. i recomend that to take it you empty some capsuls and fill them up and swallow about 18 capsuls youl be trippin for like 3 days
Those fucking bastards took my nutmeg!
by bob riley April 15, 2008
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a simple spice often times high school students from Kingsburg, Cal. sneak out of their parents spice cabinet.

- gives the ability to levitate
- rainbow vision
- dry mouth

kingsburg dry mouth nutmeg spice rainbow vision
by Shirly Sheen April 1, 2011
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Flecks of dead skin that fall off of the side of one's scrotum-nut dandruff.
Tyrone scratched his scrotum and got nutmeg all over his fingers.
by datyoungkid October 11, 2016
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Nutmeg is what ass tastes like! It is the flavor left in your mouth after eating a gorgeous girls asshole, it is a pleasant and somewhat enjoyable aftertaste. Although if she hasn't washed in a while her ass will taste like burnt or rotten nutmeg, and that is not very good.
So did you get a taste of nutmeg last night with Danielle?
by b.ryan June 5, 2007
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To be completely plastered out of your mind. This word arose from Ireland, where people are usually assumed to be able to drink a lot. Their ability to drink so much came from their sadness over their small genitalia. But, when someone from Ireland lacked any alcohol tolerance, they would be outcast, in quite the same manor the Patriot fans are rejected by society at large. These people were considered nutmegged at the time of their drunkenness.
Gannam: Claire, I'm sorry. Everyone else: fuck y'all scrubs.

Mike: What's his problem?
Dan: He's quite nutmegged right now.
by Johntheminesweep November 29, 2010
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