reminiscent of a time when the world ceased to move around you because you had it all.
nostalgia: "remember when we sat on the roof for hours just to listen to the wind blow and watch the stars?"
by yournamehero July 22, 2008
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A force almost as powerful as love. Nostalgia is what you feel when you look back at the good times in life. The times you remember when you were at either your highest point or at least a memorable point in your past. The deadly thing about nostalgia is that you always enjoy an event more after it's already happened than when it's happening.
1. I have nostalgia about the good old days of the late 90s.
2. If you've never experienced nostalgia, you will.
by ItsSullyyz March 8, 2018
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An endless cycle of longing for the past.
Here is a story about nostalgia.

Once upon a time, a man was born in 1947. His childhood in the 50s wasn't that good, but when he grew older, he started to hate anything past December 31 1959. Several years later, he gave birth th a child in 1967, who became nostalgic for the 70s, and said anything past December 31 1979 was awful, while his father hated the 70s because of nostalgia. The son later fathered a son born in 1987 with childhood in the 90s. The old man's grandon later said anything past December 31 1999 was crap.
by udusers1 February 16, 2011
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When you think about how great your life was a few years ago...and then depress yourself knowing it won't be that way ever again. Ever.
I'm going to go kill myself." "Why?" "I feel too much nostalgia right now"
by kvnthrn March 8, 2011
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A longing for the good old days, whether or not they were very good. Or:

A tendency to think that if you were twenty+ years younger, you would be happy -- as if you actually had been happy when you really were twenty+ years younger.
Teacher: "Back in the 80s, I ruined a bunch of blazers by rolling up the sleeves like Don....."

Student: "Get your pillow, Mr Nostalgia rides again."
by therealchip October 11, 2009
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The realization when you go back to a special place, special activity or special thing from your younger life: that only one important thing has changed, and that that thing is you
1: Man this game makes me feel so much nostalgia
2: I know right; I used to play it all the time when I was a kid
1: Good times
by Z~G February 4, 2021
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the feeling you get when you listen to the song "fireflies" by owl city, "american idiot" by green day and "how to save a life" by the fray
Peasant: that song "fireflies sucks"
Boss ass bitch: i will slap the living shit outta you, that song brings so much nostalgia
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