A female Nigga. Usually coming from Jamaica, they are basically black females, although only other blacks call them this, as is it ain't no work fa crackers. Ocasionally known as niggeretta's
Lil Wayne : Yo Kelly, ma niggerette wats up..
Kelly: Not much nigga I'm cool blackie
by Mrfuuckyiie March 6, 2009
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A menthol cigarette, namely Kool's or Newport's.
I always wondered why Newport's cost 2 dollars more a pack than regular cigarettes until I realized that it's because the manufacturers realize that black people are the mainly who purchase them. They are niggerettes.
by Demitrious Octavion May 30, 2016
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A young, african american girl that smokes cigarettes.
Damn nigga, that niggerette be smokin them cigarettes!!
by ~Faquisha~ February 16, 2007
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a black-o-licious, mo butta assed female of african desent female sister
Damn, that be a fine niggerette I'd like to smoke.
by Dan Sakora March 30, 2005
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When a person has turrets and in the middle of sentences screams out "nigger".
Person 1: "Hey John how would you like to go NIGGER to the movies. Sorry for that outburst I have niggeretts."
Person 2: "Its okay Mike and I would love to go to the movies."

Person 1: " Jill will you NIGGER marry me?"
Person 2: "Oh my God Brad I would love to."
by C-Dogg Willis May 17, 2018
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Term used for cigarettes commonly used by african american folk.
guy 1 "yeah, can i get a pack of newport 100s please?"

guy 2 "yeah sure, still smokin them niggerette's?"

guy 1 "yeahh, yeahhh."

guy 2 "must be one of jerry's kids..."
by lemikesterman420 February 20, 2010
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