The technical term for declaring a truce in a battle of barbs or wit.
They no longer traded bards, preferring instead to declare barbemous minimus.
by McRuleBreaker November 18, 2011
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The minimal amount of yeeting required
Idiot: I like how we went from yeetus maximus to yeetus minimus

smart guy: isnt yeetus minimus just an average yeet?
by Hehe I cheated February 10, 2021
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guy: "I think I need ass implants, my butt cheeks are so small it hurts to sit down!"

girl: "Don't get implants, I love your gluteus-minimus!"
by mysmallbuttcheeks January 20, 2010
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A sexual maneuver involving sticking your little finger (which is known as the minimus) into your partners anus and fingering them furiously, until you injure or break your little finger. This is when you've reached the maximum fingering your little finger can do.
Guy 1: Dude, the minimus maximus DESTROYED my finger
Guy 2: Then why do you keep doing it?
Guy 1: 'Cause it keeps the lady happy, boi.
by TDOUD June 15, 2017
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See: Stephen Harper

Self-appointed Emperor of Canada, keeper of the mystic scrolls of heroin-addicted logic, promoter of private prisons in Canada, destroyer of nations...STARTING WITH OUR OWN!
While telling the Canadian people that he does NOT support private prisons, Emperor Harperius Mandatorius Minimus is deliberately laying down all of the groundwork to make a Canadian prison-industrial complex a reality.

Building prisons without criminals to fill them, and then creating enough statutes to criminalize enough people to make those prisons profitable...despite the cost to Canada and it's people.
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As opposed to gluteus maximus which is the maximum of area a butt takes up. Normally so big when they site down their butt looks like a couch. With gluteus minimus it refers to small scrumptious butt on a hot chick. The butt takes up the minimum amount of area.
by Mr. Homophobia June 29, 2023
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