A mind rape is when someone says something that you were just thinking, or totally agree with. You feel that they have intruded your mind and taken out your thoughts, similar to a rape, but instead, they take your thoughts instead of your virginity or innocence, and they come into your head instead of your vagina.
Julia mind raped me with her relevant tweets. I frequently re-tweet and favorite them because I agree with them so often.
by livvivk September 30, 2011
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1) noun- the definition for when a person says or does something exactly what you were thinking of saying or doing.

2) verb- the act of mind-raping.

girl: *thinking* "i want a soda."

boy: "hey, wanna go grab a soda?"

girl: you just mind-raped me!!
by pesky_yeti_with_meatballs April 23, 2010
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A mind rape is putting someone else in a mental state where they are uncomfortable, insecure, and helpless.
Boy 1: dude ur a bitch
Boy 2: well ill mind rape u
Boy 1: thats not even possible
Boy 2: well then ur stuck in an inescapable box so what-ch gina do bitch
Boy 1: IM not in a box
Boy 2: ur stuck in a box
Boy 1: no I'm not
Boy 2: ur stuck in a box
Boy 1: no I'm not
Boy 2: ur stuck in a box....
by Nickabooch May 24, 2017
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Ones thoughts when one is sensible enough to not rape people but horny enough to get of to the thought of doing it to a hot individual.
"Damn, just the thought of those shortsmade me mind rape her"
by SweetDaddyJ December 31, 2016
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The act of predicting what someone is thinking so often that they think you're violating their mind hence rape
The psychologist knew exactly what I was thinking. Its like he mind raped me
by r@ven August 15, 2012
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1. When a Republicanazi fucks with your head with all kinds of lies and twisted bullshit. They repeat it and repeat it until you believe it. If you refuse to believe it, you are evil.

2. The act of abusing someone's mind with Republicanazi lies. It works real well for winning elections. Worked especially well in Election 2004.
Wait here while I Mind Rape another one of the Stupid Americans and get them to believe all the Republicanazi lies. Now go vote for Republicanazis you stupid ignorant bastard!
by AntiGop April 30, 2005
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when you've been on a drunken night out and have serious blank spots in your memory the next day. You've been mind raped...
i had a real Mind Rape last night, i dont remember anything..
by Pigster69 December 10, 2010
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