To kiss or make out with someone.
Did you see Josh mak with Tammy last night?
by Bealio February 27, 2006
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as another word for "Mac"

A man who generally attracts the ladies like a magnet. He has a magnetism of a pimp minus the money/prostitution.
A guy who walks around around his arms is one mothafucking Mak.
by Mak February 17, 2005
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ohhhh dude, that guys such a mak
by Mr Makaveli December 2, 2008
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To put one's genitals in someone's ear
When you slept over last night, I gave you a good ol' mak.
by Stuart James August 25, 2005
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Short for Makarov in language used by makarovniks.
mak's are handguns chambered in 9x18, made in Bulgaria, China, Iraq, Russia, and East Germany.
by GunCat August 16, 2004
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a good interjection for when someone is talking about something you don't want to hear about, or when you can't think of something to say. sounds almost like a duck when said.
#1: so then I saw funny colored puss coming out of my dick and...
#2: mak mak mak mak! on to more not-STD related crap.
by maxzilla June 22, 2003
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