Is when someone is unable to be sexually aroused in a sexual relationship; either because they revere a woman as a sexual figure, and/or they desire girls who are sexually promiscuous as form of punishment for their ways.
Jackie's boyfriend won't give her the D, he's got that "madonna whore complex"
by ktown's og September 10, 2013
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A false dichotomy that asserts that a woman cannot be both a family person and following her professional ambitions. Compare and contrast Madonna/Whore Complex.
"Feminism is a depopulation plot! Feminazis want to destroy the nuclear family! They tell women that they should want to become wage drones, instead of marrying, having children and making me sandwiches!"
"That's quite a Madonna/Spinster complex you have going on there."
by Dire Tamandua July 2, 2017
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The ultimate ideal for men is a woman who can act like a madonna (the virgin, not the African-baby buyer) to your parents and a cheap, slutty whore in the bedroom.
I have a madonna-whore complex.
by sukebe November 17, 2006
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A shallow "man" who with an unnerving amount of Mommy complexes (because he was breast fed until he was 9!) finds a healthy,independent,intelligent and beautiful female and runs like the sorry ass bitch that he is. He intimates women by creeping on them because he knows that he is an insecure, loser man. Women who posess beauty, brains terrifies this weak man so he will enlist other weak men to call these women fat. This guy is equally scared of other men and will seek protection from other men by stating women are infatuated with him...which is so far from the case. Will be continued...
See also Michael J. Gellendin, Wisconsin ....a sad,sad little man dog paddling in the big boy's pool
Mike is so insecure about his manliness that he has to make stories so that other guys will like him. Thus Mike is always a Plan C or D and will think with Madonna-whore complex.
by ZBritt or not ZBritt October 5, 2019
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The female ideal for men is someone who can act like a madonna (the virgin, not the African-baby buyer) to your parents and a cheap, slutty whore in the bedroom.
I have a madonna-whore complex.
by sukebe November 17, 2006
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To treat your lady like a saint in public and then like a whore in the bedroom. Usually inspired by love for the motherly side of women and lust for sex.
Larry's got the madonna-whore complex. He takes his wife out to dinner, buys her roses, then fucks her in the ass.
by Jay September 9, 2003
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A condition where you uncontrollably make out with pop stars who are still in their prime while you are in fact, washed up.
by Anonymous September 19, 2003
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