one who reads a blog without ever commenting on the posts
Dude, how come you never comment about anything I write on my site? You're such a lurker.
by juicebox February 10, 2005
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A person who is just "there." Nobody really knows why, other than they show up and don't say a word. Possible reasons for this could be:
-They don't know what to say
-They are pretending to have friends
-They are trying to scare you
-They are there just to be seen with you, as if they have some kind of relationship with you.
Person 1: Who's that?
Person 2: The lurker. He shows up everyday, just ignore him.
by 120000417 July 25, 2006
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People who go on your stickam profile when your live and dont come into the chat.
Dave - "Oh shit look i got 10 lurkers"
John - "Imma cap them fewls with my aussie guns pew pew"
by Aaron Chapman October 17, 2007
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a person who reads the posts on a forum, message board, etc, but does not post
The guy was just another lurker with no life.
by Light Joker August 3, 2005
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A lurker is someone who always just seems to be there, no matter where it is.

You always expect them to be there, because they pop up out of no where.

A lurker will often try and play it off as a joke when you confront them, but it's not a joke.
Anthony: That Jessica is such a lurker.
Trey: Yeah, she's always around.

Marcus: She just pops up unnoticed.

Antonio: Yeah, seriously!

Johnny: F-in Lurkin

Jessica: Hey guys!

Luke: Can you not lurk so much, Jessica?

Jessica: Oh luke! You're so funny!

Maddy and Davi: It's not funny
by cooolkids! June 12, 2009
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A turd that refuses to be flushed, hangs out just barely visible below the escape hatch
Dude, I pinched this massive loaf, but after flushing 3 times, I still noticed a lurker.
by Link, Inc. February 19, 2015
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Lurkers lurk. This lurking may exist in the form of excessive monitoring and creating of PT threads, checking out other people's myspaces without the intention of leaving a comment or message, or hitting on/trying to get with someone. Most people are a lurker sometimes, but you aren't truly a lurker until PT or myspace is used everytime you see a computer, or you're creepy (possibly old) and hit on mad girls.
I was lurking on PT instead of writing my paper!

Oh my god he is such a lurker!

Wish I was lurker... Wish I was on myspace...
by mulberrysdream May 7, 2008
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