An expression used to avert awkward situations/conversations.
Girl #1:blah blah ... and then I got my period and my day just got all the way worse...

Andrew: So... what's the deal with lampshades?
by triny_dmr April 20, 2010
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1. (n) a decorative piece in one's apartment that was once a human being; usually in the apartment of a complete weirdo who blows up your phone all day, tells you they want to marry you after the first week, and idolizes Ed Gein

2. (n) a waste of life; an individual that feels they are nothing more than a piece of furniture in their apartment because they have absolutely no energy from exerting themselves the night before
1. "Be careful on your blind date, I don't want you to be turned into a lampshade!!" / "I didn't work real hard my whole life to end up in aisle 18 of Wal-Mart, on sale for 19.99."

2. "I feel like a lampshade today."
by smashleigh91 July 29, 2009
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Makes a great hat. You should try it sometime!
Person 1: Nice hat! Where did you get it?
Person 2: Ummmm... my house?
Person 1: So you made it?
by nobodycantellhehehe January 10, 2021
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insertion of a cranium into a vagina. spread labia lips apart w/ hand and smash head inside.
Galvy - what kind of Gel are you using?
Badia - actually it's slime left from last night, I wore my GF like a fuggin hat
Galvy - you mean you gave her a lampshade?
Badia - safe.
by The Pinky Pig October 30, 2006
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Insulting slang for a Jewish person. According to an urban legend, the Nazis used skin from concentration-camp victims to make lampshades.
David: I am sick of these Palestinian suicide bombers killing my people.

Hans: And I'm sick of your constant bitching. Walk it off, lampshade.
by oozing_santorum August 3, 2007
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A woman who pretends to be the significant other to a gay male in order to hide his sexuality. Also known as a beard.
"Samantha was totally Michael's lampshade at his grandmother's 80th birthday party!"
by Kam Michards March 9, 2016
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jewish skin that german soldiers used as lampshades.
i skinned crum and mcnac and made them into a lampshade
by mack January 18, 2004
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