when one's jaw becomes locked from sucking penis for too long
boy: "wtf why did you stop i was about to burst?!"
girl: "i had locked jaw and couldnt continue"
by vanvan4026 December 18, 2010
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Lock jaw or tetanus(correct spelling lockjaw) is where your jaw locks in an open position due to your chewing muscles spasming. You can get it by a wound that gets infected with it.
I got bit by a dog and was afraid i met get lockjaw so i had to get a tetanus shot.
by Red Dog July 29, 2005
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When somebody bites down on your penis and will not let go.
I'd rather be stranded out in Pontiac, than lock-jawed by some girl.
by Daisy Promise July 29, 2011
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also: the strange feeling you get in your face after dropping acid.
Dude, I ate one of those tabs you gave me; fifteen minutes later I had lockjaw.
by Kyosanshugi January 10, 2004
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1. A person that speaks without moving their bottom jaw to express themselves for fear that the corn cob will fall out of their ass.

2. (noun) an incredibly annoying, privileged and clueless person. Usually white, but there are many exceptions.

3. a cracker
"I'm sick of Diddy changing his name every fuckin' year and throwin' his damned all white parties. He's so lock jaw.

White: See Thurston Howell III of Gilligan's Island.

Non-white: See Hilary and Carlton Banks on the Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air.
by slappinpappi November 7, 2006
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another way of saying brains, head
"Tell that bitch to give you LOCK JAW"

"Imma tell a bitch to give me that yo LOL"
by LILR23 February 14, 2008
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Usually applied to a woman, her mouth and jaw become so fixed in the position of giving head or getting mouth stuffed that it is painful for her to shut it.
''Hey man, I railed her mouth so much that she ended up with a nasty case of the hungarian lock-jaw.''

or applied to a man

'' Eventhough she came I didn't want to stop going down on, I think I got hungarian lock-jawed.''
by The El Paso Bonerattler April 20, 2010
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