1. A Southern "slang" term for idiot.

2. small little creatures that live in old people's ear hair.
1. Get out of that thar thunderstorm, you idget!

2. Sheldon forgot to wash and was infested with idgets.
by Ubermeister November 6, 2007
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Cross between an idiot and a midget.
What are you some kind of idget?
by naenod May 14, 2008
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The burning sensation in or around your butt hole after explosive diarrhea.
Damn man i got an idget right now...
by Pigiddy September 7, 2006
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a word you use when you you call someone an idiot and you prove it by calling them an idget and if they cant guess what it means then it proves they are an idiot
"wow Alex is and idget" Alex replies with "Whats and idget?" then you reply with wow you really are an idget
by Dicc Nutt Butt September 23, 2017
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midget without the m.used to refeer to small people who aren't midgets but are really small

created by:shanos and ethos
ethan"look at the idget run.hahah.hes like a penguin."shane"i run like a baller.not a penguin,and i am the dankest idget ever.
by shane9 June 27, 2007
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Someone who is not short enough to qualify midget status but still too small to be considered below normal height.
Justin was barely too tall to be inducted in to the Little People's Association of America, he was rejected because he was an idget.
by Chris812 June 17, 2007
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