The heart of the nipple, as quoted by elena when poked on the eve of september 15th
you gotta poke that bitch in the hipple to show her who is boss
by Homecoming king11 September 16, 2010
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To be wasted/drunk and end up sucking a homeless mans dick for free; note: only a man can be a Hipple.
Man, we got wasted last night and i watched Ryan pull a Hipple.
by Dr. P. Hunter July 30, 2008
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A hypocrite that is disabled in some way. May it be physically or mentally.
Really? You said you'd never make another word on urban dictionary, let alone another variant of cripple.
You're such a hipple cripple.
No, don't post that. STOP.
by Boe Jiden the 3rd February 18, 2017
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A person who can't hear well and makes up words.
Person 1: Hey can you pass the guacamole?
Person 2: Did you say gananole?
Person 1: You stipple hipple
by Maybe Lazy September 12, 2020
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andrew: i'm a pretty cat
yvie: no you're a smelly ginger with hairy nipples... a sminge hipple
andrew: i am in no way shape or form a sminge hipple.
by captain kitnipple October 19, 2012
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You left a hipple nickey on my boob when you sucked on my nipple real hard.
by Papasmurfbell February 19, 2020
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