(extasy)X pills that makes everything seem as it slows down
alternate spelling: handlebarz, handlebars, bars, etc.
"you got some of then handle bars?..I need them before I hit tha club tonight"
by JC4L May 2, 2006
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Handles found in public washroom stalls to aid in defecation when dietary/stress factors make it an arduous task.
"I had to shit so bad, I ripped those constipation handle bars right out of the wall"


"What are those, constipation bars?"
"Dude, they're for the handicapped..."
by LeTigra February 10, 2009
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The side to side flailing motion of the handle bars of a bike, motorcycle, quad, or snowmobile when the back end comes off the ground and is usually followed by a face plant or wipe out.
Mario tried to do an endo on his dirt bike but ended up doing the handle bar boogie
by don Tron December 5, 2009
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The act of stretching your half erect penis as a handle bar moustache on someone, i.e.: your lover or friend, over their upper lip, and taking a picture with your phone then sending it to said person.
You may also show friends, if you manage to get away with this act.
"Dude, look at this!"
"Is that your dick?"
"Yep, I totally gave my girlfriend an Oklahoma Handle Bar last night."
by TheMeatiestOfShields February 16, 2017
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some one who had a mustache that exceeds their chin and just really sucks bad
by bob December 6, 2003
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