A very pompous, rich town filled with japs to the rim. Escalades and Mercedes roll around with kids that think they are "all that". The houses dont go for under a million and the kids that think they are ghetto... are just white. There is no crime whatsoever. Girls have their pradas and their coach's and for their 16th they get a beemer. If there were any other place that were richer and jappier... it would be amazing. Other than the fakeness of everyone there, it is a nice suburb to live in.
Great Neck is a town.
by Zachy g. November 12, 2005
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A suburb on the north shore of long island. The town itself is divided into two school districts, “north” and “south”. Great Neck is well known for its top-ranking school districts and abundance of wealth. Unfortunately, many of the Iranian-American residents are pretentious and rude to most other people including other residents. While the town itself is very safe and the school districts are great, the horrible quality of people that inhabit the town make it almost unbearable for decent people to live in.

Source: I’ve lived and worked in Great Neck for all of my life
I’m getting on the train at Great Neck and going to Penn Station
by Geralt July 15, 2018
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Great Neck is a wealthy town in Nassau County, Long Island. I’m writing this mainly because most of these definitions are unfair. Great Neck North High School is highly populated by Persians, yes, but Great Neck South High isn’t. We’re mainly Caucasian-Jewish, but we (South) also have a very high population of Asians. Great Neck is a very wealthy town, but Kings Point is the only outstandingly rich village. We’re for the most part upper-middle class. And we have lots of apartment buildings, too. So we’re not as uppity as some of these definitions make us out to be. Yes, we’re known for our slutty little girls in their juicy and Abercrombie and some of it is quite disgusting. But there are probably less people like that than not. What town doesn’t have spoiled, rich brats? And yeah, they flaunt their money with their cars, clothes and handbags, but would you rather have uniforms? Thought so. I think most people mellow out once they’re upperclassmen. At least at South, most people are chill. From my experience, North and South are two completely different breeds of human. We should definitely not be lumped into the same category. We have a very competitive and rigorous district, which is why we’re one of the top public schools in the nation, so we’re not ditsy … for the most part.
by AllyKkat February 26, 2009
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Located in Nassau County, Long Island (In the state of New York). It is stereotyped as one of the most spoiled Jewish communities ever. Although there is a fairly large amount of rich Jewish people, there are also Persians (rich Jewish people from Iran), Hispanics, and Asian/ Indian people (mostly near New Hyde Park though). There are also more cultures. Great Neck is not just J.A.P. ; it is VERY multicultural.

Besides the rich Jewish people and the posers (middle class kids that aren't too Jewish or aren't Jewish at all who think they're "gangsta"), Great Neck has pretty decent people, and as I said, MULTICULTURAL. It has almost no crime at all, and most of the people are fairly decent.

Great Neck has a great school system.

Great Neck South Middle/High: Asians (mostly from New Hyde Park), some rich Jewish people, and the multicultural part of the population. You will find many of smart and decent kids here. Rated about the 45th best school in the country.

Great Neck North Middle/High: Mostly VERY rich people (Persians) from Kings Point and similar areas. But it's not bad, trust me, I know some cool North kids. It is also a fairly decent school, but with a much smaller population than South and less multicultural.

Others: There are a few "private schools" in Great Neck, such as The North Shore Hebrew Academy.

Great Neck is basically a nice and safe suburb to live in with many types of people.
Nikki Blonsky from Hairspray was raised in Great Neck.
by lolfunnybunny July 26, 2009
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Great Neck is that "nice" town on the Northshore of Long Island that has mushroomed into an extension of the Orthodox laden five towns of the Southshore. The Mecca for Iranian exiles who want to live the dream of the Persian Prince, but in reality exemplify some of the worst ethnic stereotypes along with their older white brethren holdouts who haven't yet left for Florida. Great Neck is full of people who can be seen every morning, except Saturdays, finger mining for the morning catch while making illegal U-turns and talking on their cell phones.
Great Neck is where you find loud outspoke bragging a-holes who think they do everything right, even when they do everything wrong.

Great Neckers are cheap, whining, pushy people who buy everything on sale then check the receipt at the checkout counter at the local Walbaums as if auditing a tax return; on which they themselves cheated.

Great Neck shoppers are lazy people few who cannot help but leave the shopping cart in the middle of the traffic lane and who can ding your door in your face while having the nerve to deny it.
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Great Neck is a town that Persians have, in the last 20 years, completely invaded. Instead being inhabited by normal, American Jews, Great Neck is now the home of thousands of Persians who feel the need to NEVER shave the bushes of hair they and their moms have had since birth. Every Persian in Great Neck also has a dying sensation to marry their own cousins. Each slutty girl in Great Neck, whether she's a normal Jew or a Persian, feels the need to flaunt what they don't have in Juicy outfits and $14,000 handbags. Where do Persians get this kind of money? Well, they claim to each "sell rugs". However, WHERE DO THEY GET THE MONEY TO BUY 16,000,000 DOLLAR HOMES is still a question left unanswered. Most likely, the Persians all roll drugs into their rugs and sell them in the black, hairy market. Maybe, they'll all get thrown in jail with a damn razor.... who knows?
Hairy Joon Joon in Great Neck: My dad owns 8 acres of land in Iran
SexySkinnyMan and Mindle: What does you're dad do?
Hairy Joon Joon in Geat Neck: <_< >_>
Hairy Joon Joon in Great Neck: ....He sells furniture
by Mindle & SexySkinnyMan January 22, 2006
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The worst town in the world. It is overpopulated by Persian whores that **** their cousins, and other people (to become popular), buy juicy and treat people like ****.
There are barely any non-Persians in my town....... and it is like hell... I hate it.
My skinny friend and I want to like pwn em all!!! >_>
I hate Great Neck!!! >_>

Person #1: z0mg like give me teh head!!! >_>
Mollie: z0mg I'll do anything to become popular ^_^
Liana: z0mg I'm gonna go get some juicy pocketbooks and get some juicy clothes and hook up w/ a juicy guy!!! go juicy!!!
Junjun #1: z0mg like SAFRON!!!!
Mindle: STfu!!! >_> Go eat kebob and **** cousins...
Junjun #2: z0mg like my dad has 8 acres of land and owns 1/3 of Iran (btw this makes no sense)...
Sam: I bet he owns 8 acres of weed farms
Mindle: lmfao >_> xD
by Mindle January 21, 2006
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