gnar kill is a band made up of bam margera (keyboard) brandon dicamello (vocals) and i dont know who the drummer is. their most popular songs include 'skeletor and beastman' and 'mustardman'
by mike January 23, 2004
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pronounced- GNAR KILL!
origins- From the great philosopher Gnarious Jarious

1. to describe something extremely gnarly

2. a term used to describe a slaughtering of any sort by the use of gnarring

3. Capt. omega and swizzo
1. Watch "The Gnar Jar" on youtube

2. Duuude. We sold 60 "Gnar Jar" shirts today!

-Shoooo man, thats GNAR KILL!!-

3. Me.
by Capt. Omega March 7, 2010
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This is when you think that something is going to be very interesting and fun but then it doesn't go through.
I was jumping off the bridge into the river but I hit a shallow spot, it was gnar kill man!
by mee-how June 10, 2005
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A really, really ugly girl. So disgusting that even if you were drunk/high/lonely you wouldn't get with her.
Dude that girl at the club was so gnar kill. Not even the hobo with one leg would get with her.
by The Bros. June 26, 2008
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Something so incredibly awesome that you don't know exactly what to say. Only Gnar_kill can explain it.
That dude just humped your sisters leg. That was so Gnar-Kill
by Andy July 19, 2004
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a play upon an old surfer term gnarly, meaning "passion-kill"...Originally from the Greek Gnarkillicus , meaning "he who commands no passion".
The first set of waves was so gnarly , but the barracuda that bit my cod was a total gnar-kill , dude!
by Scotty_Karate_2004 January 30, 2004
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