A computer program used to record video games and other computer activity instead of using a shitty camcorder to get crappy low resolution videos and making an ass out of yourself on YouTube.

Often used to create a Machinima.
I captured my epic headshot triple-kill on Fraps!
by Spades Neil June 30, 2010
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A frap is basically a loud fart. It can happen when someone is trying to quietly fart with others around but is unsuccessful and it is heard quite clearly by them.
"Jeremy totally frapped during homeroom this morning ! Everyone turned to stare right at him."
by dw8177 April 26, 2017
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A trendy in-game video recording tool, notorious for the free version that has a huge RECORDED USING THE FREE VERSION OF FRAPS. Also increases your ping and system resources.
I was filming a new commercial for Taco ToWn, and the camera man was using fraps. It increased our ping so high that we got banned from the Hollywood Studios server.

When the unedited commerical was finally done, I was able to show everybody my boring crap via Youtube.
by Lee Harvey Hitler October 30, 2007
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A frap is fart that sounds like the anus cheeks are flapping about. Oneself can say the word frap before they have released gas or after
Damn Jeff I really need a frap.
Woah that was a huge frap
by MR_Sir March 9, 2018
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A Frap is another meaning for being a "Slut", "Hoe", Thot, or "Nat Nat" ... Word came from Urban teens from the Eastside part of town (Stone Mountain/Lithonia). This word is Mostly Used in Urban Parts of Atlanta..
Bro You better get your girl, I Heard she's been "Frappin" off..

Lets hit the after party, heard its going to be Hella "Fraps" there..

You kissed that Slut!? You ain't know she's some "FRAP" ?
by YurpStampedThis February 10, 2014
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I took a sickie and spent all day Frapping myself until my bean was sore!
by benski September 2, 2003
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: Hey, is Sarah coming to the beach later ?

:Naah, she'll be in the house , frapping away as usual ...
by AlbertFinestein February 14, 2011
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