an over abundance of fluffy, feminine, texture and objects in a decorated room.

fluffy decor texture foofy
That room was decorated with so much foof.
by decorqueen August 13, 2012
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Foof is another word for a fart or fatulence. It is used in public as not many people know that you actually farted.. lol
by = )) June 13, 2008
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to blow on food
be careful that food is hot, better foof it!
by veepussu February 26, 2022
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1. when associating with the little bunny foofoo!
2. When a pillow needs to be fluffed many people use the term foof
1. that stupid foof song woot!
2. That large pink pillow with the poo stain on it needs a good foof
by vick-roy December 21, 2003
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the action of blowing on food to cool it down before putting it into your mouth
could also be described as foofing.
watch out that food is hot make sure to foof it
by ggsmellytoes July 2, 2019
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1. Sigh of relief.
2. Sigh of exhaustion.
3. Term used in an awkard situation , when nothing else seems to fit.
4. Term used in place of answer, when answer is absolutely foregin to the person in question.
1. "YES!! Even though I am extremely sexually active, I just got my period! I'm not pregnant, foof!"

2. Oh foof. I'm so lame for not going out, but i'm just so tired... let's drink some wine.

3. Jessica: "Hey Lauren, I'm going to go see my boyfriend this weekend. How many condoms do you think I should bring? Condoms protect against crabs right?"
Lauren: "Oh, foof!"

4. Brittany: "Oh my GOD, my pet turtle Tito is dry-heaving and just halked up something onto the side of his tank. What do you think that means?? Will he die?"
Lacey & Teanna: "Oh, foof!"
by Lauren & the DC Girls November 15, 2006
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polite way to tell someone or ask if they farted
Is that roses I smell or did you just foof?
by Goldilocks February 16, 2005
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