8 definitions by vick-roy


1. A game to be played with a group of uder morons

2. A riot involving intense poo fights between a group of gorilla war fighter men who interact through talk of fittles
1.lok a group of utter morons playing fertabs

2. AAAHH *poo splatter* AAAHH *gorilla noises* AHHGABOOGA *talk of fittles*
by vick-roy December 11, 2004
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1.To be one with your poop before the birth
2. the act of cleaning out your bum before constipation to offer easier flow
2.-squeaky clean woot!
by vick-roy December 21, 2003
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1. the proper term for chunks of juicy corn found in ones pooh after a particularly nasty constipated type of pooh.
1. *examines pooh* wooah look at that big juicy lump of cornicle in my feces
by vick-roy December 22, 2003
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1. in technical terms means a group of 8 people
2. a funny word i like to use to compare to a stupid person
1. look at that ogdoad of people
2. ur such an ogdoad head
by vick-roy December 21, 2003
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corn-chip chip-corn

1. mmmmm.... mmmm... good
2. the name of a certain amount of sims on a certain type of computer used by two certain people
1. mmm i love to sneef corn-chip chip-corn
2. the family of corn-chip chip-corn corn-chip and chip-corn corn-chip chip-corn
by vick-roy December 22, 2003
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1. when associating with the little bunny foofoo!
2. When a pillow needs to be fluffed many people use the term foof
1. that stupid foof song woot!
2. That large pink pillow with the poo stain on it needs a good foof
by vick-roy December 21, 2003
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1. the chorus word of the song made by shnoob "bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-BLOBBULE!"
1. "bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-BLOBBULE!" sung to pretty much any tune
by vick-roy December 21, 2003
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