(noun) prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different ethnicity based on the belief that one's own ethnicity is superior. P.S THE WORD "RACISM" IS INCORRECT. THERE IS ONLY ONE RACE ON EARTH CALLED THE HUMAN RACE, THE WORD YOU'RE LOOKING FOR IS "ETHNICISM". AS WE ARE MADE UP OF DIFFERENT ETHNICITIES NOT RACES. This was an error created in the past in US history and it is still continuing today, please change your vocabulary and use the correct word. Do some research and get your facts right.Back then they knew little, now we have discovered a lot. It's important that you use the right word. Thank God for Anthropology!
You would think that we are now in the 21st century, ethnicism wouldn't exist anymore. Sadly, thats not the case, ethnicism is truly still alive and well today.
by T.B.T April 14, 2017
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This word is a hybrid of ethical & ethnic. Opposite of racism.
When fast food restaurants market their advertisments to include all races, they are being ethnical.

Ali G hung out with the brothers and the white man, he was well good ethnical.
by Catticus Rex April 16, 2006
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Something that has to force it's way into everything.
Guy1: oh my gosh, that white guy is playing against a bunch of black guys!
Guy2: oh my gosh, the black guy is so white.

Guy3: oh my gosh, who gives a shit what ethnicity they are? Stop stereotyping.
by A-person_yay July 29, 2014
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Something white people should never try to relate to
Girl: I'm half German!
Guy: Oh, which of your parents are from Germany?
Girl: My mom's from Kentucky and my dad's from Washington.
Guy: Hey, you're an idiot.
by Smeego February 24, 2005
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the ability, and/or effort to become ethnic
yesterday, i went to spanish.. im working on my ethnicability to become ethnic.
by pungyung March 6, 2008
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Adj: Meaning non white. Anyone whose skin color is naturally darkend.
People from africa are ethnic. People from Wyoming are not.
by joshk1587 September 15, 2009
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