Often abbreviated DBS

This scale is used to easily express how many draught beers one would have to consume in order to have sex with some unlucky woman/man.

The scale ranges from 0 (doable anytime) to 10 (because after ten draught beers - let's face it none of us are able to perform). The number indicates the amount of 500 mL 4,6%alc. (example: Tuborg Classic) one would consume precoital.

Not to be confused with the kg-scale
Person 1: - "No way I will even consider that! She's like a 12 on the kg-scale a total bodybag"
Person 2: - "So if we go out tonight, where is she on the draught beer scale?"
Person 1: - "Neva... She might be around 7 on DBS"
Person 2: - "We should really revise our choice of words when talking about my sister"
by UT+Per7 August 14, 2014
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When Doctor Who has been off the air for what feels like an eternity.
When does the next series of Doctor Who start? Feels like this who draught is going on forever!
by mantonythe1st April 23, 2017
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Ive expirienced ring draught about 6 months after we said our vowels
by PSC Pimpn November 6, 2013
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