A laptop computer that doesn't do what the salesman said it would, or a laptop which has seen better days.
That craptop is fucked, i think i'll throw it out the window.
by jamesbrown April 22, 2003
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a sad exuse for a laptop
person 1:look at that little laptop its sooo cute
person 2: you mean that craptop
by beasties31 November 25, 2009
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A laptop with a processor under a 75mhz 486 and has no cd rom
My Craptop cant run windows 98.
by Winbetas October 27, 2003
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What you call your laptop when you take it in to the bathroom with you.
"Hey! I need to catch up on Facebook and beat that next level on Candy Crush, so I'm grabbing my Craptop while I drop some boys off at the pool."
by Spunkyd223 February 25, 2016
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The act of pooping on the keyboard of someone's laptop and then closing it.
My roommate kicked me out of the room last night so I craptopped him when he was in class.
by Madam S November 2, 2009
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Any laptop which impedes your performance as a professional gamer.
I'd whup your POSDWTC single handedly if it weren't for this damn craptop!
by Cheerio February 24, 2003
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You know when you use your nice, clean laptop when your on the John? Well, this, my friends, is when your laptop becomes what is known as a "CrapTop"
Having the urge to look at facebook on your CRAPtop, while simultaneously having to take a shit.
by Legos August 17, 2007
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