1) Someone with a very open mind... it just happens that they are too open for their own good.

2) A swell way to become an attention whore.

3) A perfect way to waste away years of your life to find no reliable evidence what-so-ever.
Example: A classic 9/11 conspiracy-

Fold a $20 bill in half, then fold one half up perpendicular to the othe half, do the same thing with the other half, *BING*
You found the Pentagon burning down!
Now flip it, you see the twin towers ablazing (which is disturbingly similar though...)
Since the $20 bill's design was concieved in 1928 (over 4 decades when the towers were built), that's nothing more but a coincidence.

>PS, Conspiracy Theorist, haha.
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Someone who hasn't yet grown out of being an attention seeking psychobabbler. A very mediocre kind of troll.
Conspiracy theorist: "Reptilians control the world's most prominent bloodlines!"

Unfortunate listener: "Zzzz..."

Conspiracy theorist: "You are blind to THEIR lies, person who won't hang on every word I blather! I pour scorn upon you!"

Unfortunate listener: "Yeah, whatever."
by The_Mad_Thinker December 7, 2008
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Paranoid, angry, or attention seeking wannabe college dropouts who think that by looking at shoddy footage of controversial events and mincing the words of eye witnesses they can piece together their own, delusional version of "The truth" about what REALLY happened that day.

Tin foil hats may or may not be worn.
Everybody should listen to Conspiracy Theorists, they know "The truth" because they haven't been bought out by 'The Man' like those silly scientists. What do they know, what with their PhDs? And their testing? And their research? They obviously don't know shit about what REALLY happened. Just look at this video of the event, see that plane? IT'S A MISSILE.
by CommandoDude August 4, 2010
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Crazy nutjobs that think there is a greater purpose behind everything... And the US government is behind EVERYTHING.
Conspiracy Theorists: Hey! Why did these two buildings collapse, those two planes couldn't have done that!

2: Wait a second.. I think JFKs brains sprayed the wrong way!
by Eliwashere March 25, 2008
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Tim: Did you hear that the conspiracy theorists are claiming that the Rockefeller Foundation is funding the covid passports?

Bob: No, but I heard that they think the "Build Back Better" motto comes from The Great Reset & politicians were chanting it worldwide during 2020 lmaooo. Idiots!
by Rebelfighters April 8, 2021
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Conspiracy theorist: "Vaccines cause autism! Liberals are putting things in the water to make the freakin frogs gay!"

Normal person: "Shut the fuck up you moron."
by see.bee May 1, 2021
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