Same as bumping fur. Froppage, French for "rubbing". When two lesbians bump and grind together their vaginas.
It was noisy in the next room from all the clit clatter between my roomates.
by Yo mutha May 4, 2006
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1. A term used to describe a woman with multiple genital piercings. One is a

cunt ring, but 3 or 4 is clitter clatter.

2. A clitoris that is cluttered by excessive ornamentation.
"The jingle jangle of sweet clitter clatter."
by billebllunt May 9, 2014
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when you see a fyne boy/girl...they tickle your fancy good,,real good...either results in a wet coot or hard johnny.
Damn that beh so fyne, Clitter clatter!
by the Skis May 4, 2006
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To has have such amazing and hard/rough sex with a person they are unable to move/ breathe/do anything except lie there and gasp!
Man, I clatter-fucked her last night.

Jesus, I got clatter-fucked last night I could barely breathe.
by urbanzenpk September 28, 2006
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The act of watching the Night King death scene whilst masturbating.
*watches last scene of season 8 episode 3 of Game of Thrones*
Guys I'm gonna need about 20 minutes alone to rewatch that and get in a quick clatter-splatter.
by SkwareChicken April 29, 2019
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Inner city musical noise, people from the hood are classy, artists, poets, they like to make their own hood clatter.
That hood clatter could be heard all the way down the street. Your momma and my momma were singing from each owns porch, tell them to stop that hood clatter!
by Ccooksgirls February 3, 2020
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