Means you don't give a flip about what someone said previously.

Used a lot in chat rooms especially OTS channel on servers.
USER1 "My mom died in a plane crash last night"
USER2 ":care:"
USER1 "that is mean, how dare you!"
USER2 ":care:^2"
by Pedro Sanchez June 19, 2006
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said when you really don't. a very sarcastic statement that is usually funny.
Person one: oh wow! look at me i'm so great.

Person two: care.
by the1 September 26, 2003
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Carelis is complicated. She doesn't know what she wants. She just wants all your love and affection and if you ever, ever find a Carelis, keep her they're really hard to find. I mean yea, maybe she's a bitch but she's nice and caring. She is confused girl in a really big world. But, she's a wonderful person, she just needs a self-confidence boost if you don't help her, she might do something she will regret. #lovecarelis
Carelis is so special but weird and funny at the same time!
I wish Carelis was my friend.
by Lely4835 January 18, 2018
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The definition of care is very subjective and complicated, just like Humans. The way they process, the way they think, the way they act. It's all different, all unique. But so is how they love. Humans are assholes, its almost as if that's their nature. But once an asshole always an asshole so, when they want to show love, some are assholes. Some Humans cry to show care. Some might be nice, as to not hurt their feelings, and be the best them. When they try and show care, they listen, and are rational. While some may confuse it is as being mean, being angry when showing love, comes from poor affection, or none at all when a child. They come from a place of hate so they speak from one as well. But they try and give the reason they feel angry, to seem as if they were so angry they care. Last but not least, the fake ones. The ones with an ulterior motive, to make them feel better about themselves. We all know who. They are the people that you have to be cautious around. Some may or may not mean what they say. When you think they meant it, then find out they didn't, knowing how to control how you feel, and accept it is a great defence against those who are there just to break you down. What I'm trying to say is that many people care but they show it all differently. When it comes to sensing the fake ones, you have to trust your gut, but defending against them requires rationality. But care cannot be defined objectively, it can only be seen for what it is
1.A You're so pretty it makes me want to vomit.

2.A I'm genuinely sad that I'll never look as good as you.

3.A You look really nice.

4.A I hate that you look so much better than me, you're so pretty that it sucks

1.B She cares about how you look so bad that it makes her sick.

2.B She cares about how she looks and thinks you look way better than herm

3.B They're being genuine.

by For. You. Ella. February 2, 2020
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1. Something men promise to be roughly 9 months before the baby is born.
'hey billy, be careful''
by thesarcasmguy January 4, 2016
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you want to reconstruct what once was.
hoping that theres no expiry date.

but what was is gone, dust and you don't want to fool yourself into being 22 again. So what is it really you are reconstructing?

if you believe in the concept of soul, you believe in timelessness. And if the soul can have a mate, they too are out of time. So its not about recreation, rebuilding, but a continuation of a tie that hasnt had much care lately.
why do we shut down so easily? Is that what they call growing old. we don't have to believe in age. in time.

(p.s. do you know what i mean though? this isnt about "ex", "crush", "back again", you are not my ex right? I was just trying to depict this tiny hopeful flame that could be our bond. and i think my soon to be action is proof of that hope. without essential expectation just care. and telling you all this, having the audacity to be open makes me wonder what your thoughts are and if i ever find out.)
by Krkič May 19, 2019
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