When it’s very cold
by Lol!!.: December 24, 2019
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A universal word used mainly as an adjective. The main premise is that it is a word only used for positive things. It basically can mean happy, good, nice, gorgeous, great; etc

Related terms are steezy breezy greezy
Yo shordy you are brisk come here, I have pizza pizza coupons.


Hey that’s pretty brisk
by YT 2Breezy February 20, 2018
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A very positive adjective, synonymous with sweet, cool, tight or awesome.
Dude, I finally saw the Matrix last night. It was so brisk! I loved it.
by Andy Pamberg December 7, 2009
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A replacement for “lit” or “Gucci”. It means cool or nice.
“Your dress is really pretty.”

Thanks! It’s pretty brisk.”
by secretly_a_gamer April 24, 2019
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Brisk Iced Tea (a bottled drink found in many stores) is bought generally when one doesn't want to carry a fountain drink in a disposable cup. A bottle is far superior.
"Yo man why didn't you get a fountain drink?"
"Nah man id rather get a Brisk, you can close it and refill it with water later."
by De_licious October 1, 2018
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Person 1: oh my dad couldn't do that
Person 2: well your dad's a dick then
Person 1: my dads dead
by jimbobhas September 8, 2010
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Code word for drinking, drunk, or high!
Alex: Lets get brisked (drunk.)
Taylor: Ok, ill brisk it up tonight!
Hayley: Hells Yea!
by remlap October 18, 2008
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