3 definitions by De_licious

Brisk Iced Tea (a bottled drink found in many stores) is bought generally when one doesn't want to carry a fountain drink in a disposable cup. A bottle is far superior.
"Yo man why didn't you get a fountain drink?"
"Nah man id rather get a Brisk, you can close it and refill it with water later."
by De_licious October 1, 2018
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1. Making little noise , to be unheard

2. A sexy secondary character in the MGSV franchise. She wears minimal clothing do to a infection that makes her breath through her skin.
1. "Hey, the teacher didn't even notice that you hit the breeze in class - that was super quiet."

2."Damnnnnn I just unlocked quiet in MGSV she is fine.
by De_licious October 1, 2018
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To downright lock someone in a room and attempt to rape them as a young adult or teen but not succeed at penetration and proceed to get fired from your job.
You know Jared? He Kavanaughed Clara, he was mad drunk.
by De_licious October 1, 2018
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