Gay male slang for a very thin receptive sexual partner with a small derrière.
No one wants to fuck a shaved boney hole. It’s like sticking your dick in a skeleton covered in cactus needles.
by Elwhin May 7, 2021
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Spawn an erection by sheer will through elite control of the bulbospongiosus muscle... often for a utilitarian rather than sexual purpose.
We got stuck in deep snow bank and didn't have a flare, so Abe had to pop a boney and tie a flag to it to signal for help.
by MaryTodd1818 February 26, 2021
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The setup to a highly humorous joshing wherein one inquires, "Against which Boney shall one discriminate?"

One expects the responder to utter words pertaining to the popular 70s ensemble, Boney M. However, the jocular response is to subvert expectations by ejaculating, "Boney L!" Such hilarity! Such jocosity!
Cornelius: Brother, who is your preferred musical cantor?
Bartholomew: Boney...
Cornelius: M?
Bartholomew: L! Boney L!
Cornelius: Ha! Ha!
by JeKu2118 December 23, 2022
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a.k.a. "Slag heap." A boney pile is a mound of coal waste, sometimes the size of a large hill and indistinguishable from rolling hills around it. "Boney" is the waste itself, also known as "slag."
"They've reduced the boney pile in Revloc and now you can see the town from the highway."
by Edenza February 28, 2008
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The 'Fuck You' middle finger gesture in which the 'down' fingers are tightly held against the palm with the thumb, rather than bent at the second knuckle and framing the middle finger. This is the more offensive form of the gesture.
"I said she had nice eyes and she flipped me off, man. And it was the boney maloney!" "Ooof"
by chickchockcheese August 9, 2013
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The fold near one's crotch made by a pair of jeans or shorts that looks like a boner.
Kathryn told me to check out how excited Brian was that the Olympic women's gymnastics was on, but after Jake reached down and poked it, we realized it was just a phoney boney.
by EmilyJoW August 13, 2008
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