The defence that a girl puts in place to protect herself from being touched intimately.
Katzy wants to get it on with Sophie but he's scared of the barbed wire....
by KDR June 27, 2006
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A form of fingering a broad when you cross your pointer finger and middle finger and then crossing your ring and pinky and shoving one into the vagina and one in her asshole.
oh yeah i gave shannon that barbed wire last night and she took it like a champ!
by shocker pro May 4, 2010
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Used when describing a very revealing item of women's clothing.
"Protects the property without destroying the view"

Dude, that chick top is proper barbed wire.
by Xander Parkinson March 2, 2008
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A form of torture in which a pipe is shoved into the anus of the victim followed by the inserting of barbed wire into that pipe. The pipe is then pulled out, and as a result, leaving the barbed wire in its place. Then the barbed wire is yanked out, ripping the flesh and causing excruciating pain.
Dude, that physics exam was like barbed wire rape.
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The barbed wire dildo is a tool used for the raping of deserving men.

This contraption is usually a home made device that is manufactured with the combination of a day to day x large dildo, with heavy duty barbed wire wrapped along the entire length (usually melted in for extra durabilty). Some people also mix it up by melting shards of glass and rusty nails to make the experience more interesting.
Mel and I were so angry that we decided to rape his anus with the barbed wire dildo.
by MelPOM August 30, 2009
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