an orgy between Slovakians and Alabamans to see who can win the purple pickle battle also country roads has to be playing in the background to be true
man I got caught up in a Slovakian alabama ass suck last night
by wammistightpussyissowet69 October 5, 2019
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When you play Twisted Fate against assassins.
"Fuck Fizz"
"Fuck Rengar"
"Fuck everyone"
"You suck ass"
by DestroyerShadow March 26, 2016
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Much worse than "suck". Something that sucks to the nth power.
I can't believe I sat through that garbage! That sucked ass!
by S-ISM August 25, 2005
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Basically saying how badly someone or something sucks.
You suck ass.

Damn this job sucks ass.
by Trevor M. July 21, 2004
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This phrase is an odd variation from the regularly used phrase "that sucks". There are two main definitions of this:

1) in literal terms, putting your mouth to an anus and quickly inhaling, causing a stream of air to be pulled into your mouth from the anus.

2) in slang terms, to be bad. This is how the phrase is most commonly used, and tends to be more intense than the usual "that sucks." "That sucks ass" is like adding a "really" to it.
"She sucks ass!"
"Wait, seriously?"
"Not like that, man"
by Dirty Shoes January 12, 2005
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1. The process of sucking fecal matter/butt milk/do-do butter out of another's anal cavity.

2. Sucking absolute/comlete ass at anything, particularly at sports.
1. "Szabo is really good at sucking ass!"

2. "Dude, we're sucking ass!"
by Poo Nazi November 10, 2008
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