Slang word made by Sir Mix A Lot which refers to a mans dick.
My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun.
by Mrs. Bloom July 15, 2004
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1)A really, really big snake.
2)A large penis.
3)A long turd.
4)A movie about a reall, really big snake.
1)Jim was eaten alive by an anaconda.
2)Sir Mix Alot called his penis 'anaconda' in the song Baby Got Back.
3)"Dude, you forgot to flush. Your anaconda is fucking scary."
4)Anaconda is another crappy Jlo movie.
by Ichy November 12, 2005
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A fucking huge snake.

Or a crappy JLo movie.
by snakes are scawy August 17, 2004
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Refereed to the male reproductive organ, usually meant as a humorous remark towards another.
Billy's, has Anne seen your big anaconda?
by Canadian July 31, 2003
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A song people thought was shocking until they heard WAP.
I love Anaconda, it's probably my favourite song in The Pinkprint.
by Derxert June 1, 2021
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