Guy: why the hell wont he wake up?
Guy2: dude been up all night he crashed off the yops
by Thechemvst912 April 29, 2019
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An amazing word used to describe snatching something
Gets banned in catholic schools.
John 3:17: Imma Yop That Shit
by ripchrislol November 16, 2016
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The supreme syllable of primal self-affirmation and/or -acceptance, suitable for shouting from mountaintops, astride a wrassled bear, on the verge of battle against immeasurable odds, in math class, or over the roofs of the world.
I too am not a bit tamed, I too am untranslateable, I sound my barbaric yop over the roofs of the world
by MrHeretik January 22, 2011
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When you get yeeted and copped at the same time. In other words, getting your stuff stolen in the most swaggy way ever.
by Tranosaurus Rex February 5, 2018
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Matthews way of saying yup but better
by Don’t know me March 20, 2019
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How country kids say "yup" or "yep"
Boy: "Yew done wif that plate, gull?"

Girl: "Yop, hyuh, take det!"
by Kuntreefied August 15, 2012
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