A person with below 0 iq, which is impossible in itself, but somehow the children below 9 who play him achieve it. Yasuo is the only kid friendly champion in league without any NSFW+ ties online because only children play him. He is the most cancerous champion in existence, second only to Teemo, the devil himself.
by TEGX221 August 28, 2017
In a video game, you are so determined to kill enemies, that you often forget about your character’s safety, which leads to death of your character. When your character dies, you tend to blame other players, bugs, or imbalanced mechanics for your fault. Sometimes you even go into a uncontrolable rage spiral.
This term originated in the video game game League of Legends, but can aply to other games as well.
This term originated in the video game game League of Legends, but can aply to other games as well.
"Uhh... That player just engaged alone into the whole enemy team and died. Why so much players have the Yasuo syndrome?"
by OVTA April 25, 2020
by Maurian aka3 April 6, 2021
Yasuo otps are gold hardstuck creatures dying 1v1 on lvl 2, after dying 1v1 you can often see this species flaming their jungler. When they lose a game they will never think its their fault but always their teams. Because all olf this isnt annoying enough they have huge ego. The most common kda yasuo otps have is 0/10/0 and its often called their 0/10 powerspike.
Brian: Man yesterday I played soloq and got inted by a yasuo otp again.
Jack: Relatable bro, did he aquire his 0/10 powerspike?
Jack: Relatable bro, did he aquire his 0/10 powerspike?
by seadolphin51 August 7, 2021
Derived from the game League Of legends a Yasuo main has accomplished nothing and will never do anything in his life, they are usually stuck in this bubble where they think are awesome because they play someone who takes no skill.
by i get beat by my parents September 12, 2018
That one person your team in any competitive game who singlehandedly loses the entire game, regardless of how well you and the rest of your team is doing.
Player 1: Oh man, i got counterpicked again.
Player 2: Don't worry, that guy is also a Yasuo main.
Player 1: Oh thank god.
Player 2: Don't worry, that guy is also a Yasuo main.
Player 1: Oh thank god.
by Hamgburger :3 April 11, 2021
A person with stage 5 cancer and brain damage that still tries to live and play League Of Legends. Usually they are known for feeding, inting, throwing, (Usually leaves/disconnects from the game) and blaming their jungler for not ganking them even their jungler is a lane away. The literal and definite meaning of a useless narcissist.
Player 1: Hey toplaner, pick already.
Player 2: *lock yasuo* dont worry, i'm a Yasuo Main
Player 1: Fuck this imma dodge
Player 2: *lock yasuo* dont worry, i'm a Yasuo Main
Player 1: Fuck this imma dodge
by EggsFried February 1, 2022