A slang word for sex. Originating in London c. 2009
When I next see you, I wish to burrow you, like there is no tomorrow
by Sir Derek April 24, 2010
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To firstly drink 3 litres of sainsbury's basics cider, then go out and kick the shit out of a zumba fitness sign at a nightclub. Then to get a job working for the aforementioned night club.
"Last night I did a burrows and I owe them £270. Fucks sake."
by wardth December 3, 2011
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Also known as a nickname for curly toenails

Symptoms include: cheesy smell
Oh! I havnt cut my toenails for a long time there looking burrows!
by Jdawg911 October 16, 2019
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Bizarre sexual gratification method involving making an incision in your partners thigh with a scalpel and making love to the wound
I totally burrowed that fat lass last night

my new boyfriend wants to get into burrowing but I'm a bit scared
by Orange Source December 28, 2010
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1. To lounge or to be lazy in a cold dark enviroment while watching a movie or just lying there.
How dare you disrespect my burrow.
I am so burrow right now.
I'm tired I'm gonna go burrow.
Scot said to Stephen,"I am so burrow right now."
by Scot June 3, 2004
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To take a loan from someone. Originated by the habit of digging deep in your pockets to take out money.
My I burrow five dollars?
by Brian February 19, 2005
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to wedge face in between legs when someone is laying on their stomach.
I burrowed her while she was sleeping.
by thevaliantknight September 9, 2008
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