What you gotta do to get the mean green so you can put dubz on your whip.
Todd: "I saw you cleaning the poop off the shitters in the shopping mall bathrooms."
Tyrone: "Yah man, S' what I do for a livin' nigga!
by M Dogg March 26, 2005
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The "LeBron James" approach, popularized by South Park. Used in tricky situations or troublesome conversations.
DAD: "Donavan, I saw a packet of white powder in your room--"

DONAVAN: "What should I do? Should I admit that I've made mistakes? Should I remind you I've done this before? What should I do? Should I tell you I'm not a role model? Should I accept my role as the villain? Should I stop listening to my drug dealer? He's my drug dealer! Maybe I should just... disappear."

DAD: "...I'm going to go make some toast."

by JesusGodBuddha November 17, 2010
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when you are so bored that you decide to type "im bored what do i do google" but you already typed it into google so now your typing it in urban dictionary. Like do your homework. Or watch youtube. Or play a game. Or do what your mom says and read a book. Or come back here, I don't care!
You: Ugh i'm so bored! I don't want to do my homework! Oh, I have an idea! *types "im bored what do i do google" into google* This is boring. *types "im bored what do i do google" into Urban Dictionary.* OOoooOoOooOOOoOooO
by Define.com.org.UwU January 25, 2022
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The disarming response to the such questions as, "what are you doing?", "what are you talking about?, and "what is your problem?", substituting some words in your response to fit the question. It is a more polite way to tell that guy in english to fuck off. In order to be used correctly, you must say it the moment the question you are being asked ends. Usually starting with who, what, when, where, why or how, containing one of the contractions hasn't, aren't, won't, shouldn't, or wasn't, and containing a verb. Using it is an automatic +20 pts.
1) - U.S.A.: "who else have you bombed, afghanistan?"

- Afghanistan: "who haven't i bombed?"

2) -Jim: "God dammit, who here else has fucked my girlfriend?"
-Dan: "Honestly Jim, who hasn't fucked your girlfriend?

3)-Man 1: "What are you doing?"

-Man 2, interjecting: "I think the correct question would be what aren't i doing?
by Mr. Yell-O March 3, 2010
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What a person says when they embarrassed themselves on a national scale, and are too vain to actually say "I'm sorry".
That guy who said "What should I do?" knows that he made an ass of himself...
by larryj November 7, 2010
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