5 definitions by larryj

A debilitating redneck hillbilly disease that causes families to incessantly breed with each other in a rampant sort of way.
Jimmy-Bob Jethro can't help himself in his infestuous ways... His momma and poppa are also his aunt & uncle... and now he's gone & impurgnated his sis...
by larryj December 1, 2011
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A time in the evening when it's very late, you are very trashed, and the end of your night is approaching. Usually a time of the evening when your condition allows you to make bad choices.
Guy 1: "I think that chick at the end of the bar wants to go home with me..."

Guy 2: "Man, she is really hit... It must be twelve dark thirty...
by larryj March 13, 2010
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What a person says when they embarrassed themselves on a national scale, and are too vain to actually say "I'm sorry".
That guy who said "What should I do?" knows that he made an ass of himself...
by larryj November 7, 2010
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To imply that someone is very un-attractive. Or to be blunt, just butt-ugly. Shortened version of "Hit with an ugly stick"
Guy 1: "I think that chick at the end of the bar wants to go home with me..."

Guy 2: "Man, she is really hit... It must be twelve dark thirty...
by larryj March 13, 2010
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A person who lives only to play disc golf. He / She plays in any kind of weather, and if no one is available to play with, they play by themselves.
"I have to play disc golf at least twice a week to be any good"

"You're a discaholic!"
by larryj March 12, 2010
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